In Home Speech Solutions is a therapist owned company based in South Tampa, that specializes in providing individualized pediatric in-home speech-language therapy. We offer a variety of services that include free screenings, speech language therapy, speech language in the Tampa Bay area.

In Home Speech Solutions was built on one simple belief: that the best place for children to receive speech- language therapy is in their own environment.



Tampa In Home Speech Solutions offers a variety of in-home services to children ranging in age from birth to adolescences within the Tampa.

In-Home Speech Therapy HillsboroughCounty and Kansas City provided by a speech language therapist

Free Screenings

Screenings are offered which is an affordable and convenient way to assess the progress of your child’s development. Screenings are conducted by a speech-language pathologist and generally take about 20 minutes. Parents will have the opportunity to ask the therapist questions and learn how they can support their child’s development.  Screenings help identify children who are falling within the typical range of development as well as identify those in need of a more extensive evaluation.

A screening alone is not diagnostically reliable and should only be used, as a tool to decide if an evaluation is necessary.  A licensed speech-language pathologist will not make goals about ongoing therapy until an evaluation is completed, however, after both formal and informal screenings, an SLP will meet with parents to create a plan for the next step: either conduct an evaluation or decide that the child is on track with speech and language and wait 3-6 months before screening again.

We engage in a variety of community outreach programs and provide free screenings for schools, day cares, and community events. Contact us to learn more.

Speech-Language Evaluations

The process begins with a comprehensive speech and language evaluation.  Evaluations are age appropriate and, particularly for our younger students, are highly interactive and play based.  Our therapists perform evaluations and then develop treatment plans and goals to address your child’s specific needs.

When a child is on a current IFSP (Individual Family Service Plan) or IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or has had an evaluation within the past year, we do not require a new evaluation and your child can begin therapy right away. Evaluations are required if your child has not been evaluated in the past year or is not currently receiving services.   

Speech-Language Therapy

At In Home Speech Solutions we do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach. We work with children (birth to adolescences) to treat various communication problems that include but are not limited to the following areas:

  • Articulation/Phonology – How individual speech sounds are produced.

  • Expressive Language – The ability to express needs, wants, thoughts, or emotions, through words, pictures, signs, etc.

  • Receptive Language – The ability to understand language.

  • Social Skills – The ability to interact, take the perspective of others, and understand unwritten social rules.

  • Fluency – Often referred to as stuttering or having difficulty producing fluent speech.

  • Auditory Processing – How the brain receives and interprets information that is heard.

  • Apraxia – Difficulty planning the motor movements of speech and transmitting the signal from the brain to the mouth.

  • Cognitive Impairments – Deficits in the ability to reason, concentrate, recall information, problem solve, and process ideas.

  • Voice Disorders - abuse and misuse of the vocal folds that results in trauma such as nodules.

IEP Support & Consultation

speech therapy for kids and speech therapy for toddlers

Navigating and understanding the special education system can be overwhelming for many parents. With over 10 years of experience in the public school setting, Jennifer is able to walk with parents thru that process, helping parents understand their child's plan and supporting parents in advocating for their child. Jennifer is also available to attend IEP (Individualized Education Program) meetings to offer ongoing support.  Contact us to learn more.